
Sunday, August 25, 2013


Sometimes when we meet after work, my brother will bring me a few pages from his Dilbert calendar, 
and slide them across the table as a sort of greeting.

It's hard to explain how special this is.  I always save them.

(is a photo of a printed Dilbert cartoon taped inside your journal a copyright infringement? I hope not.)

Friday, August 23, 2013


You can't beat public library stickers for helping you put things in perspective:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mountain X Office

One day I was waiting for Max to get ready to leave work.
It was a hot summer afternoon.  Buskers play music right below the windows of this second-story office and you can hear it in the room, part of the geography of sound and light that filters through the window to join the tapping keys, clicking computer mouse buttons, and scattered bits of conversation.

I rarely try to draw rooms that I love, but there was time, and it was oddly exhilarating to be in someone else's workspace, not my own.