
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Presidents Descending the Stairs

Presidents Descending the Stairs

Carter and Clinton
Barak and Bush
still alive
still with wives

before giving speeches
descend an inner stairway
leading to the big stage.

We see on camera
a moment that seems private
only because newscasters hush
and the world watches as they step

their shiny shoes down
scuffle and slap of soles
feet shifting and slipping inside,
a chopping echo in the dim stairwell.

Presidential past, presidential 
future knees bend, two by two
top to bottom. We're struck 

They're only people
walking steps
and yet

someone woke
more afraid today
someone woke

to steps coming
down down down

a deadening
tromp tromp tromp

Jessica Newton Cooper
January 20, 2017

Records of Late

Sorry this is so late getting out. Our scanner went down for a little while in December and I slid into a state of inaction. Here it is, a post for January 2017!